Kalimat Participle Fungsi Participle serta Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Participle merupakan salah satu infinite verb, yaitu kata kerja yang tidak difungsikan sebagai verb (ordinary), artinya mempunyai kelas kata yang lain. bentuk participle terdiri dari active participle (-ing form) dan bentuk past participle (-ed form). Sebagai infinitive verb, participle memiliki dua fungsi yaitu sebagai adjective dan adverb
1. Adjectival Function
Dalam fungsi ini, participle berperan sebagai penjelas (modifier) noun, pronoun atau noun phrase.
a. Participle phrase
e.g. Boring game
Bored children
The man standing over there
Berikut ini bentuk-bentuk participle active dan passive
b. Participle in Sentence
e.g. - I am bored of watching the game
- The students are tired of learning the subject
- You make me worried
- We heard the children crying
II. Adverbial Function.
Participle Phrase ketika menduduki /berfungsi sebagai adverb memiliki beberapa meaning yaitu :
1. Time
e.g. - Having finished all housework, she sat down to watch television
- Walking around the street, I met a friend whom I had not seen
2. Cause
e.g. - Living in a big city, we need much money
- Having worked all day, the man looked very tired
3. Condition
e.g. - Having met joan this morning, I would have told the truth to her
- not seeing him, she would be sad
4. Manner
e.g. - They spent their time watching, television
- The children finished the homework asking for help to their father
Participle merupakan salah satu infinite verb, yaitu kata kerja yang tidak difungsikan sebagai verb (ordinary), artinya mempunyai kelas kata yang lain. bentuk participle terdiri dari active participle (-ing form) dan bentuk past participle (-ed form). Sebagai infinitive verb, participle memiliki dua fungsi yaitu sebagai adjective dan adverb
1. Adjectival Function
Dalam fungsi ini, participle berperan sebagai penjelas (modifier) noun, pronoun atau noun phrase.
a. Participle phrase
e.g. Boring game
Bored children
The man standing over there
Berikut ini bentuk-bentuk participle active dan passive
b. Participle in Sentence
e.g. - I am bored of watching the game
- The students are tired of learning the subject
- You make me worried
- We heard the children crying
II. Adverbial Function.
Participle Phrase ketika menduduki /berfungsi sebagai adverb memiliki beberapa meaning yaitu :
1. Time
e.g. - Having finished all housework, she sat down to watch television
- Walking around the street, I met a friend whom I had not seen
2. Cause
e.g. - Living in a big city, we need much money
- Having worked all day, the man looked very tired
3. Condition
e.g. - Having met joan this morning, I would have told the truth to her
- not seeing him, she would be sad
4. Manner
e.g. - They spent their time watching, television
- The children finished the homework asking for help to their father
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